
Manual: 7.3.1. Simulated Annealing

When an alloy is made from various metals, these are all heated beyond their melting points, stirred and then allowed to cool according to a carefully structured timetable. If the system is allowed to cool too quickly or is not sufficiently melted initially, local defects arise in the system and the alloy is unusable because it is too brittle or displays other defects. Simulated annealing is an optimization algorithm based on the same principle. It starts from a random point. This is modified by moving to a nearby point. The new point is compared with the old one. If it is better, we keep it. If it is worse, we keep it with a certain probability that depends on a "temperature" parameter. As the temperature is lowered, the probability of accepting a change for the worse decreases and so uphill transitions are accepted increasingly rarely. Eventually the solution is so good that improvements are very rare and accepted changes for the worse are also rare because the temperature is very low and so the method finishes and is said to converge. The exact spelling out of the temperature values and other parameters is called the cooling schedule. Many different cooling schedules have been proposed in the literature but these have effect only on the details and not the overall philosophy of the method.

We immediately see some rather enticing features: (1) Only two solutions must be kept in memory at any one time, (2) we must only be able to compare them against each other, (3) we allow temporary worsening of the solution, (4) the more time we give the algorithm, the better the solution gets and (5) this method is very general and can be applied to virtually any problem as it needs to know nothing about the problem as such. The only points at which the problem enters this method is via moving the point and via comparing two points.

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