
Manual: 2.1. Prerequisites

The software application runs on a 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system. We recommend Windows Server 2008R2 or later. The server must have sufficient disc space for the historical and future data. We recommend at least 1 TB of free disc space. The processor and memory can be standard such as an i7 processor and 16GB of RAM. If computation speed is an issue, this can be alleviated by a high-end graphical processing unit (GPU) by Nvidia as we can make use of the CUDA/CULA support. This is far more efficient than buying a high-end CPU.

We recommend that the server have a RAID system to prevent loss of data due to hard disc malfunction. We also recommend that a data backup be run on the database files on a regular basis to prevent system loss.

The firewalls between the OPC server and the application as well as the firewalls between the application and the office network of the users must be opened.

algorithmica must obtain a user account on the server with administrative privileges.

On the day of initial software installation, the server must have full internet access in order to properly install the Ruby-on-Rails environment. After this installation, the internet access can be removed forever.

In order to provide continued update/upgrade services, consulting services or customizations, algorithmica must be able to access the server remotely.

Here is a checklist

  • Hardware
    • At least 1TB free disc space
    • Standard processor, e.g. i7 920 or better
    • At least 16GB RAM
    • Optionally an NVIDIA GPU
    • Optionally a RAID system
    • Optionally a regular data backup
  • Software
    • 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system
    • algorithmica user account with administrative privileges
    • Opened firewalls between OPC server and the application
    • Opened firewalls between the application and office network
    • Internet access on day of software installation
    • Remote access for algorithmica

algorithmica is a software company. We do not provide or administrate hardware. The user’s IT organization must provide, configure and maintain the server environment.

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